September in Books – Never Go Back

It is now 18 books into the series and you would think Lee Child and his 50+ hero, Jack Reacher would be a little tired. Nope. No such luck. Our dear Reacher is still banging heads and breaking bones with impunity. Only thing he does not do in this book is kill someone. That is done by his lady love du jour.
Despite the lower than expected body count all the other Reacher ingredients, conspiracy, cheap motels, being on the run, beating up four men half his age and a denouement where he finds the ‘very senior army staff’ culprit are all intact.
I love Reacher.
Who would not love this description… I don’t work out. It’s genetic. Puberty had brought him height and weight and an extreme mesomorph physique, with a six pack like a cobbled city street, and a chest like a suit of NFL armour, and biceps like basketballs, and subcutaneous fat like a Kleenex tissue.
And who wouldn’t love his idea of compromise. The relatives of a deceased meth dealer whose belongings Reacher made away with, want their inheritance back. Reacher will fight them for it (8 vs 1). A win is easy though if you have a clear philosophy of fighting We can kerb their enthusiasm by putting the first few down hard. The key is not to spend too much time on any one individual. The minimum, ideally. Which would be one blow, and then move on to the next. Elbows are better than hands, and kicking is better than both.
Sigh. My guilty pleasure book ended too soon and now I shall have to go back to the universe of good good writing from the much more enjoyable one of good bad writing.

One thought on “September in Books – Never Go Back

  1. “the universe of good good writing from the much more enjoyable one of good bad writing” – Lol. Too true, and I get the ‘guilt’ as well. Although this time, with as you say Reacher getting no younger, the settling option might come in handy…and also make a little more human. Child speaking to Elaine Charles (book report radio online archive) recently said he initially wanted to only write 21 novels and then retire from all, but now he’s changed his tune to writing for as long as the fans want new material.

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